Global Gay Nation > Gay Identity - Queer as Volk?

Is Christopher Street turning fuddy-duddy?

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I've spent the bulk of my Sunday morning organizing responses to this all over the world.  Like I said in a previous post on this thread...this is my spiritual home.  In a way, I am those girls.

Berto you know I love a good fight.  It's in my nature.  The piers taught me to get my head broken and keep on fighting.  Back then I fought for silly childhood reasons.  My blood, and I dare say, my life is meaningless if I can't give it for the causes I believe in.  And I believe in the sanctity and safety of gay people above all things.  I would never think twice.

Well, I've hit most gay LGBT organization links I have on almost every continent.  The only exceptions are Australia and Asia...but I'm sure Berto, you can take care of spreading the word in those corners.  The city's judge was very concerned about the effects on the city will have more reasons to be concerned.  I dare say that a full out boycott of gay tourism to NYC should be called for.  This city only reacts when money's at stake.  I believe the powers that be should realize that gays come here in huge numbers, maybe a hit in the tourist wallet will bring about some thoughtful resolution to what's been going on in the Village for far too long.  I've already asked personal friends of mine in England, Spain and Latin-America to consider creating an anti-New York tourism boycott.

I was sent this from one friend today...I see echoes of my own post above on this thread in this article.

"Attack of The Killer Lesbians"...this just turned my stomach.

The three male "passersby" he's alluding to are gay males who jumped to defend their lesbian sisters and actually did the stabbing.  They punctured his liver with a larger knife.  Once the girls were out of danger, the gay men left the scene.  I would have done the same or worse.

It's nice to have an identifying picture of this monster.  He should watch his back.

And THIS from the Daily News..."lesbian wolf pack" they called them.  As if there were such a thing!  But this is an allusion to an incident in Central Park many years ago when a group of thugs assaulted a white female jogging alone at night in the park.  The kids were either black or Latino and from Harlem.  They were demonized in the media as a "wolf pack".  Obviously they're playing the race card.


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