Global Gay Nation > Gay Homeland Movement

What our folks worry about most...

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Precisely ;)


--- Quote from: "Vizier" ---So far, I have seen little useful dialog about us anywhere.
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This comes mostly from an entire misunderstanding of our goals. It was really scary to listen what some folks talk about, and how limited their worldview by times is. View made reasonable counter-argumentation.

Generally, when coming up with something really unconventional, one must have good arguments to make people understand. Those who actually understood our cause were supportive in principle, even if they would not waste a thought on becoming emigrants themselves. I made the experience that when having the chance to talk to people directly, it is indeed possible to open their eyes and make them see what they did not see before: We Are a People. I do not talk here about brain-washing or cheap indoctrination, I talk about endowing a person with really new insights -- a thing not very frequent in our daily lives.

Konrad Lorent said once: "One should not be such insolent as to assume that it is impossible to make others understand things which one by oneself has recognized as absolutely true." Means, even pursuing a difficult task of sharing new insights with others, one should not assume them to be dumb -- most probabbly, one is simply lacking profound arguments, so far.  :wink:

Therefore: it is our duty to find these striking arguments and bring them to our people. Even if most of our folks shall prove reluctant at first, the smarter ones shall be able to understand -- even if they will not necesserily agree with us.

I think the 'we are a People' argument is the only place to start. Let's face it, unless and until we are recognizably a People (to ourselves, much less to others), the idea of a Gay Homeland can sound pretty silly. I understand the reluctance of folks (ours and theirs) to grasp it.


--- Quote from: "Kyleovision" ---I think the 'we are a People' argument is the only place to start.
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Though it is of course entirely possible to found a state based solely on an idea and constitutional framework (San Marino, Order of Malta, Athos Monk's Republic etc), I must agree with you here in the case of the Gay people.

As long as Gays do not understand that our common well-being is largely dependent on the degree of our ability to stand by eachother, we will scrape a living by endulging straight supremacy and Gay cultural submission. We will continue to pay our taxes to teach and train our future oppressors. We will continue to live in straight ghettoes pretending that we are so much diverse that we would not like to live "in the gay ghetto". We will continue to earn our living by writing and selling heterosexual romantic literature and pretending we are so much more than only gay. We will sing heterosexual love songs and hide our husbands from public notice like anal warts and pretend we are upholding universal values and contributing to the "general culture". We will fervently uphold any other category and stereotype and put people in drawers but deny that we have anything in common with other Gays.

It is a hard living recognizing than one belongs to a subhumanly oppressed species - but it is even more a disgrace to refuse to acknowledge the unpleasant, yet obvious facts.

We are a people, and we better learn this before we get eradicated from this planet.


--- Quote from: "Kyleovision" ---I think the 'we are a People' argument is the only place to start. Let's face it, unless and until we are recognizably a People (to ourselves, much less to others), the idea of a Gay Homeland can sound pretty silly. I understand the reluctance of folks (ours and theirs) to grasp it.
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Well put. That second part is where I find the most work is needed - until we are recognizable as a people among ourselves! The bickering and infighting and less-than-serious approach most gays have to anything other than poppers, sex and when do I next get laid? is what will ultimately need the most work.

Naturally, sex is fun and dandy and I wouldn't mind having that  when do I next get laid? question answered, but I think that until we can make gay people everywhere realize that nothing will ever truly improve for us until the str8 people in this world come to realize that we are here, we are not going to "go away" or "shut up and put up" anymore, are a force to be reckoned with (even when figuring at the wildly conservative ballpark figure of only 5% of the world population being gay) and that we want what is ours, we are entitled to and we demand.


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