Global Gay Nation > Gay Identity - Queer as Volk?

Gays and "identity politics"...

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--- Quote from: "vanrozenheim" ---
--- Quote from: "Feral" ---Why is there no gay country? That's an easy one -- it's not like the idea is unknown. We don't want one. And we don't want one for the same reason we put "str8 acting" in the want ads. As a people we are convinced that we are worthless faggots who can't do anything.
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The striking thing about us as a people is, that even in conditions of relative freedom, we are afraid of doing things which we actually could do. It’s a kind of rigor which afflicts many gays when they are about to do something visibly gay – be it investing into a gay housing project or launching a gay TV channel. Not that gay people were not able to build houses or produce television programms – gays do such things routinely every day in straight companies – but we seem unable to do the same things for us and under our own flag.

There was something you said about straight people, which fits gay people accused of „internallized homophobia“ as well:

--- Quote from: "Feral" --- And they're shocked, SHOCKED to find that someone might think them homophobic. If so, however might they have gotten that way? I'll tell you: They were raised to be str8 people in a str8 society and that society despises homosexuals with a genocidal contempt.
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When talking with some guys about the idea of the gay state, I was confronted with statements sounding like „But I would not want to miss straight people around me“. Sure. As in every society, the gay country wouldn’t be an exclusively-gay society, so there would be heterosexuals to be kept as friends (as there are foreigners in any other country). Provided then there is a heterosexual minority in such a gay state, what would be the argument against living in such a state? Sadly, the true reason (which most gays would not admit) is, they would prefere to live in a straight-majority society rather than in a gay-majority society. Now, how our progressive modern assimilationists would explain this state of mind?

--- Quote from: "Feral" ---As inappropriate, immoral, and downright illegal str8-bashing would be, that it does not occur is most definitely a bad sign. That this absence is credited to a deliberate attempt at being "better" is an even worse sign.
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Right you have. What is really astounding is the absence of self-justice-manner punishment to our enemies in countries/regions with weak legal system. Or can some of you remember when an outrocious homophobe was beaten up for his wrongdoings? No, „we are too good to act like them“. We must overcome this impotency and finally learn to defend ourselves and our interests.
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