Global Gay Nation > Gay Identity - Queer as Volk?

About that Word

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--- Quote from: "MonkeyBoy" ---Okay, this is a journo thing. And whether or not Beck is in trouble depends, at least in part, on whether or not he and his Executive Producer had  a talk about the word 'faggot' before the show, or not. I think they probably did, might even have asked one of the gay producers in the newsroom his own opinion, but in the end, they made a bad choice. Or did they? More follows...

To say the word should never have been uttered is Absolutist foolishness. In fact, I think it had to be said at one point or another to avoid that air of coy embarrassment Fer talked about. GLAAD is dead-on here:

--- Quote ---Other CNN personalities have discussed derogatory slurs as part of this story without debasing that discussion.
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The problem arises because in this on-air conversation Beck is the guy introducing the word *and* the guy saying that its no big deal. That was a miscalculation if they didn't want Beck to come off badly. A  good host would have gotten the other guy to say it. However, it's just as likely that they were happy to have Beck come off that way:  Glenn Beck has a rep for personifying controversy and being to the Right of Atilla the Hun. So then, I guess he got what he was after here, no?

Sigh. I remember when Headline News was just that-- pithy bits of news spat at you for hour after wonderful hour.
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--- Quote from: "Feral" ---It was lovely, wasn't it? I think that's what the interweb is for now. ;)

Of course, it's nowhere near so social.
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