Global Gay Nation > Gay Identity - Queer as Volk?

The Science of Gaydar

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--- Quote ---Ummm... whose "measuring stick" are you using in that first graph, Rain?

--- End quote ---

Ooh...I should be so lucky.

Rain, unless this is your original research,  =)) pleeeaaase indicate your sources! Me courious of the research methodes and additional informations.

Good question, Van.  My source was a horny homo friend of mine who emailed it to me without explanation. So, I've been conducting my own investigative research to see if the results hold up.  

Don't quote me on this...but on some preliminary surveys I've conducted the results tend to suggest that the measurements of the first survey were artificially inflated.  On the second survey, however, the results seem to nail it.


See those peculiar dips in the graph at 5.75, 6.25, 6.75. and 7.25? Almost certainly they reflect the tendency for people to round up to the nearest half inch rather than the nearest quarter inch.

I still must protest -- this perfectly reasonable distribution of sizes does not reflect my experience. The average size shown in this graph more properly describes the lower end of my (admittedly limited) test sample. Nonetheless, it pretty much encapsulates the scientific consensus on this subject.

I do gather from the punctuation marks in the second survey that it was a European study.  After all, Americans and Canadians generally use the period as the decimal marker, Europeans prefer the comma.  So maybe...and this is just my guess...those sizes are typically European.


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