Global Gay Nation > Gay Identity - Queer as Volk?

PROJECT: Compilation of Gay literary works

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--- Quote from: "Rain" ---...tell him Wari Shade sent you...
--- End quote ---

LOL Too late...

P.S. Karnickel was here and tested the new "editor" permissions.

Rain: problem.  I use my personal email address when contacting him, so he will undoubtedly figure it out.

Pu Sung Ling: Strange Tales

There are a couple of homoerotic stories in these tales. Unfortunately, the early translations (e.g. available here) omitted all the non-straight stuff.

The more modern translations are these two:

1) Denis C. & Victor H. Mair's Strange Tales from Make-do Studio (Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1989);
2) John Minford's Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio (Penguin Classics 2006)

Any chance some of you guys you get it from your library and scan the couple of the stories which are of interest to us?

I couldn't withstand the temptation and have purchased Minford's translation, eventually. I'll make the scans and OCR.

Please do.  Remember, Vicky, forward in .doc format when you make them.


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