Global Gay Nation > Gay Identity - Queer as Volk?

Is Christopher Street turning fuddy-duddy?

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--- Quote from: "Rain" ---Come to think of it...that article is worthy of an entire semester's analysis in a Queer Criticism class.
--- End quote ---

No kidding! That is one of the best anti-assimilationist, anti-marriage pieces I have yet read... and I agree with most of it, despite being in favour of equal marriage.

No, that's not really contradictory -- I think every queer should have the *right* to get married, if that's what they want. But as for myself, I can't see me taking that step, any more than I would join the armed forces -- although I also think every queer should have the right to do that too, if they so choose.

Thanks for the article, Victor -- I am going to post that elsewhere, and also forward it to several friends.

Please read if you haven't already done so and take the appropriate action.  There is trouble brewing in the Village.  Some see signs of yet another LGBT riot.  Informed sources are quietly telling me to "keep watching".


Rain --

I am working on putting together a "publicity pack" on this...

Berto...the signs are very ominous.  I've heard people say things like "I'd rather spill my blood fighting for my rights than being attacked for who or what I am."  And this is coming from some very young people.  Some are no older than I was when I first hit those piers.  Obviously when you're that age, rage is a difficult thing to contain.  

Rest assured...those piers and the right to be there are sacred to me.  I will not stand by and let the parade march on.  I intend to be there.  I owe it to them.  And to myself.

Rain --

I have to run into town; when I log back on, it will be via high-speed, and I will have more to say then. But fer gawd sake, Rain, be careful! You don't need to get hurt again like you were at the RNC in NY... If you get your lovely self damaged again, I'll kill you! ;)


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